Mythbuster: Swimming Techsuits
It’s time to get a new tech suit. You’re excited, but you brace yourself for the worst. These suits are pricy, so you need to make sure you get the perfect fit. You’ll probably have to try on at least two sizes of a few different styles. It takes about 30-45 minutes on average to get one suit on, so you’re looking a minimum of two hours of trying on suits. You’ve packed some water and some Vaseline to keep yourself hydrated and to protect those poor knuckles too.
This is crazy! Right!?
It shouldn’t have to be this way, and we’re here to tell you that it doesn’t have to be this way! Let’s take a look at these “tech suit misconceptions.” We think we have the solution.
ONE – Size down into the smallest suit possible/The tighter the better
Let’s look at this logically…the smaller the tech suit, the harder it is to put on, the longer it takes to put on, the more uncomfortable and painful it is to wear, and the more likely it is to rip! So, tell me again why we have wired into our brains that we have to size down as small as possible?
Tighter is not always better! Think about it. You want to move comfortably in and out of the water. Take your mark without fear of the butt of your suit splitting. Don’t size down into the smallest possible suit. If you size down too small, there is a good chance that your suit won’t last long. It will either split on you at a meet or it’s going to wear out fast.
TWO – It should take you at least 30 minutes to put on
Who has time to do this every, single, time you need to put your tech suit on? Thirty minutes or more of aggressively tugging, pulling, and squirming is the right way to ruin your taper.
We understand that these suits are tight. It’s definitely not like throwing a practice suit on, but does it really need to take that long?
THREE – Tech suits are stroke specific
If you purchase a suit that is built for short axis strokes, what happens if you want to swim freestyle or IM at your next meet? Should you be wearing a different suit? What if you want to branch out on some of your events, but they aren’t the events your suit is built for…does anyone else think that sounds awfully silly?
Imagine a tech suit that you can wear for any stroke…any event…all of the events! If you’re going to invest a little more money into a suit, you should be able to swim any event you want in it. A tech suit should be functional and practical. It’s okay to have a style preference, but don’t let someone tell you what strokes you should swim in a certain suit.
FOUR – Sizing is based off what you wear in practice
It’s not. Sizing is not based off of your polyester practice suit that you’ve been swimming in for over a year. Sizing is actually based on the sizing chart. Most brands do a solid job of putting together a specific sizing guide that will help you find the right size.
Now, everyone is built differently and there is often some variance in measurements, which can make sizing challenging. So please, please, please, don’t wing it based off what your practice suit size is. Use the sizing guide and use our help.
FIVE – Your suit should be uncomfortable
Compression has multiple benefits for swimmers and most athletes like the way they feel when their muscles are compressed. You should feel good in your suit. You should feel fast too. If your suit is uncomfortable, you’re either in the wrong suit, your suit is too small, or you may not be ready for a tech suit yet. To race at your best, you want to feel your best, so get a suit that makes you feel your best.
Don’t buy into these tech suit misconceptions. We told you, it doesn’t have to be this way. Join the Revolution. It’s Time to Conquer.